Check out this hot seller’s market! Below is a concise summary of the local market in both Chester and Delaware County. Do you have a specific township or neighborhood in mind? Contact us today and ask for our Market Snapshot of your desired area!
In August there was a total of 948 homes put up for sale on the market. The median sold price was $400,000 - 6.7% higher than in 2019 and slightly less than last month (by 0.4%). The number of closings went up 24% from July with a total of 933. Homes aren’t staying on the market as long either - the average was 31 days, which is lower than in July and last year. It’s a good time to be selling a home.
In Delaware County, 866 new listings were put up on the market, which is 21% higher than last year. A total of 784 homes sold (5.5% higher than in July and 19.1% than last year) at a median sales price of $275,000. The sold price keeps going up, this is 7.8% higher than last month. Just as in Chester county, the average days on market in Delaware County went down to 27 days. Both counties are still experiencing a strong seller’s market.
Cite: The above statistics all brought to you by Suburban West Realtors Association: