Love is in the air! Looking for something to do with your loved one? Our local businesses and eateries have some really great events for you to take advantage of.
Have a property or two that you need assistance with? Looking for help securing tenants? Worried about ensuring the property is up to code and stays that way? For some the solution is hiring a property management company. See how to find the right one and set up an effective relationship in this blog post.
Want to move now? Worried about selling your home during the holiday season? Selling your home at any time of the year takes some planning. During the holidays, you’ll find this is even more necessary as you’ll have additional obstacles to be aware of. These tips are to help you stick to the plan set by you and your Real Estate Professional, who you will definitely need with you on this journey!
Have a new home on your wish list this year? Don’t want to wait until the new year? For many home buyers, the home buying process feels even more daunting during the holiday season; however, in some cases the pros outweigh the cons. Here are some tips for those purchasing a home during the holiday season.
After all the holiday shopping, Now’s Your Chance To GIVE BACK! The Steve Ritter Team is connected to several different charities and causes who could use your support on this #GivingTuesday. Join us in helping them serve our communities!